Parachute Pavilion | Coney Island, New York
Finalist, International Competition
HE’s pavilion/visitor’s center acknowledges both the Parachute Ride on Coney Island, as well as the adjacent Boardwalk.
The Boardwalk and the street occupy two different levels, with the former occupying higher ground. The necessity to link the Boardwalk to the street inevitably challenges the traditional idea of a pavilion as a flat, horizontal building. Our proposal conceives of the visitor’s center to the landmarked Parachute Ride as a “vertical pavilion,” linking the street and the boardwalk along a continuous and spiraling ramp. This promenade is fused with program, including places to eat, shop, lounge, and play.
Finalist, International Competition
HE’s pavilion/visitor’s center acknowledges both the Parachute Ride on Coney Island, as well as the adjacent Boardwalk.
The Boardwalk and the street occupy two different levels, with the former occupying higher ground. The necessity to link the Boardwalk to the street inevitably challenges the traditional idea of a pavilion as a flat, horizontal building. Our proposal conceives of the visitor’s center to the landmarked Parachute Ride as a “vertical pavilion,” linking the street and the boardwalk along a continuous and spiraling ramp. This promenade is fused with program, including places to eat, shop, lounge, and play.
1123 Broadway, Suite 511, New York, NY 10010 | + (00) 1 212 945 0703 | he@hernandezeli.com